Studying and Thoughts of Human

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Personality is the reflection of thoughts and believes. Our thoughts make our behaviors and functions, and as we think we live. Here important questions appear, what are our thoughts made of? How do they grow? Undoubtedly, studying is the most beneficial and useful way to improve and flourish the ideas and thoughts. Studying is as a transparent and clear resource to feed our thoughts, personality, behavior, perceptions and knowledge level. People without studying are not able to choose, find and see most of the life’s realities. Studying helps people to see and focus on the realities of their around, face with them and admit them in a better way.

Studying helps us to reach to the peak of the values, learn how to keep them, improve them, make them known and spread them to other people in our human society. It helps us to think in the difficulties, problems, disappointments, events and realities of life and the human  by a deep and more real sight. A deeper comprehension is only possible by studying, in personal life and generally in the society. Societies with upper level and rate of studying are with more achievements and developments . They are always the role model of other communities, and lead them into the modern world.

As studying has unforgettable and irreplaceable effects on the personality of people. So, should be spread between the people especially the youths. Because, they have more power, energy, memory and necessity to study, get more experience, and necessary knowledge in their life. They need to get awareness of the past and present perceptions, find their place, link them all together and try to present new scientific and logical perceptions. John Locke, famous philosopher says that there are three ways for upbringing: studying books, thinking and discussing with others. The quote shows the value of studying in life. 

Studying should start from childhood. It is the time that personality of a child takes its fundamental and formation. The children get familiarization with the family, people, society and so more so, it is the time that they should be headed toward studying to get new and necessity information and experience to face the life in better way. All their behaviors take form in this period. The children should learn how to speak, when to speak, how to express their ideas, respect to the others’ ideas, how to write, what to write, and what is their place between other people in the family, school, class, society and the whole human world. Here, the parents’ occupation is much highlighted. They should have planning to their children’s studying.  

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