The biggest amazement that I experience with my little sister is how to cure the very annoying hiccups.
There was one time she saw me hiccuping while playing at my laptop and she hears me saying “What the …. this hiccups”. She poke me and ask “big bro, you want to get rid of that?” I nicely nodded at her in respond. “Then take 1 teaspoon of sugar”, she said.
So I ask her to get me 1 teaspoon of sugar (mostly we used unrefined sugar ‘coz its affordable) and I don’t want to miss my game. B)
When I already eat it, it takes few minutes, then, my hiccup is gone. How incredible this kid!
So I ask her where she learned that, she said from our fathers’ friend that has already passed away because of sudden hiccups. O_O
- but the truth is the man is drunkard.
When I googled, there’s bunch of tips that can be used to cure hiccups. They said any sweets can be remedy, others said holding your breath for 10 sec., etc. How funny, I don't know this since I was a kid. And I’m thankful to my little sis, until now I always use her tip. ;)