summary of afghanistan education profile

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thirty years of conflict and political unrest destroyed the afghan education system.the war jeopardized eductional

infrastructure,and any other could lead the country towards further advancement.

from the quality point of view the history expressed that afghanistan possessed the most modern education and

teaching system in the region as the neighboring countries would go to school in afghanistan.

one of the most important periods in the history when afghanistan  enjoyed a strong education system was the


based of some facts,the timurid era was marked as one of the most briliant and contemporary eras in the history of afghanistan.the goverment possessed the essential ingredients for success consequently the people accepted

to obey the goverment and progressively strengthened s fully_fledged education system in the is worth

mentioning that timurid eternized their name in the afghan history by tireless work and efforts they made during

thier time.

After the downfall of thier regime the education system,

About the author


parisa mohammadi an a cityzine in herat_afghanistan,interested write blogg an compose that film.just student!

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