"Super Boller" with DCF

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Ring! Ring! Ring! Sounds the alarm of the clock, It was time to go to school, Baltazar, arose very excited since it was his first day of high school greeting his mother and having breakfast.

When He got to school was afraid because He didn't know anybody his first class was the integration with the rest of the group, where he met a classmate, her name was  Rosy, she was beautiful and became his platonic love.

While they were in classes Baltazar had met many friends and they were annoyed, beaten and insulted by other people in the school, they suffered bullying.

While they were having breakfast breakfast, Hefounda grasshopper, which called his attention, but when he saw it,  something strange happened on it , He was not the same, he just  felt different; When he got home, Ke had looked himself in his room and fell asleep and started dreaming but when he woke up was bathed in sweat and fever. He realized that in his legs had a few flakes like the grasshoppers, he was just  astonished and said nothing to his mother.

The next day at school they returned them to bother but this time took one of their friend to hit the bathroom he was much enraged that when he thought about doing something to his companions became a giant grasshopper, arrested fellow aggressors scaring him; Baltazar did not know nor as a step that.

At  night Baltazar could not sleep because he was restless about  what happened at the school. He analyze things and decided to be the new superhero of bullying, He was creating various designs of costumes for his secret identity and put the envelope name "SUPER BOLLER".

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