Superman Vs Batman

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People wonder who is really tougher between Superman and Batman. Some would agree to Superman and some are not. Thus, to solve the long-time mystery, let us dig in to these reason to know who is really is better.

Top 10 Reasons Superman is Better than Batman

10. X-ray vision. What guy wouldn't kill for that? (Admit it. You once ordered those glasses out of the back of a comic book just to see if they'd work.)

9. Superman can shoot lasers out of his eyes. All Batman can do with his eyes is look mean.

8. Batman relies on some pimply teenage kid to help him fight crime. Superman doesn't need a sidekick.

7. Superman believes in law and order. He doesn't compromise his morality to catch the bad guy. Batman will cross any line to catch a criminal. He's lost sight of what it means to be a superhero.

6. Superman: well-adjusted orphan. Batman: self-destructive orphan with serious abandonment issues.

5. Superman is happily married to a superhot reporter. Batman has meaningless relationships with women he doesn't care about (and who only want his money) because he's afraid to show his true feelings.

4. Superman works for a living like the rest of us. Batman is just some spoiled rich kid who lives off a trust fund his daddy left him.

3. Superman can make the earth spin backwards and reverse time to save the woman he loves. Batman, not so much.

2. Superman can fly. Batman swings from a rope.

1. Bottom line: In a fight, Superman would crush the "Dark Knight" like a little girl.


Top 10 Reasons Batman is Better than Superman

10. Batman has no superpowers whatsoever and still manages to get the job done.

9. Batman is a world-renowned detective. Superman can barely solve the daily crossword puzzle.

8. Batman has the Batcave, the Batmobile, a sidekick (the boy wonder!), a butler, and a whole arsenal of cool gadgets. Superman has Jimmy Olsen and some lame hideout in the frozen tundra.

7. Batman is not limited by the rule of law and uses fear as a weapon. Superman is a boyscout.

6. Batman has a credible disguise. Superman has a pair of glasses.

5. Bruce Wayne: billionaire playboy. Clark Kent: nerd.

4. Batman wears a cool black and gray costume. Superman looks like someone vomited rainbow all over him.

3. Batman has all kinds of superhot female baddies like Catwoman and Poison Ivy practically begging to rip off his cowl and hop in the sack. Superman has Lois Lane, sure, but it took him how many decades to score? And he had to marry her first!

2. Batman has a better theme song. Who can hum the Superman theme?

1. Batman isn't allergic to a rock.

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Just a happy young mom of two...I love to make friends and travelling on a virtual world is so much fun to explore!

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