38] We said, “Go down from Paradise , all of you; then if some guidance comes to you from Me - so whoever follows My guidance, for such is neither fear nor any grief.”
39] And those who disbelieve and deny Our signs, are the people of fire (hell); they will remain in it forever.
40] O Descendants of Israel (Jacob)! Remember My favour which I bestowed upon you, and fulfil your covenant towards Me, I shall fulfil My covenant towards you; and fear Me alone.
41] And accept faith in what I have sent down (the Qur’an), which confirms what is with you (the Torah / Bible), and do not be the first to disbelieve in it - and do not exchange My verses for an abject price - and fear Me alone.
42] And do not mix the truth with falsehood, nor purposely conceal the truth.
43] And keep the (obligatory) prayer established, and pay the charity, and bow your heads with those who bow (in prayer).
44] What! You enjoin righteousness upon people while you forget (to practise it) yourselves, whereas you read the Book? Do you not have sense?
45] And seek help in patience and prayer; and truly it is hard except for those who prostrate before Me with sincerity.
46] Who know that they have to meet their Lord, and that it is to Him they are to return.