What are they? These are objects that may vary in Shape and sizes. +Ancient people believe in stones and natural objects found in nature and carry them on battle on any undertakings will make them with or something mystical will protect them. Until our modern days, they still do exist. They are sold all over the website and through mail order catalogs. During the olden days, they carry out the fangs of the animals that they have killed believing that this will protect them from danger. But in this modern year, they still exist and in some parts of the Philippines, they are digging the corps to look for the “knee cap-human patella”, they call it the “Tuay” in the local language. Some of believers say that if they will carry this item on their neck, they will be vulnerable to bladed weapons and even +bullets. I don’t know if this is real but I don’t know of any science explanation that they will work. Let’s see what might happen soon.