According to UCSF, team building is an ongoing process that helps a team to bond together. There are numerous benefits of team building, building trust and cooperation to name a few.
Each team in a company should start building a team - the leader should initiate this. The leader or supervisor should plan ahead of time to meet each members of the team - set expectations and must have a daily touchbase with them. If they have block schedule much better - there are high possibility to gather the members together.
We often hold team building when we are celebrating success or when we want a stress reliever. But in the workplace, when can hold simple team building activities like the following:
A simple eat-out is a team-building activity already.
Team huddle is another - and simplest form of team building. Managers and supervisors do temp check (temperature check). It is important to know this part. This will give management an idea where they are with employee engagement.
Contest - This can be done monthly to boost productivity. Each contest may incorporate a decor your area, best in costume, best dressed aside from the productivity boost.
Workers would also love to unwind and want to do it outside the workplace. One or more teams plan to go to the beach, resorts and enjoy the water. Others would love to go out to enjoy the night life they are deprived during their night shifts.
To try new stuff when holding a team building, one should try to incorporate fun games or cook off show, visit an institution to do community service, or raise funds and share to less fortunate. Buy grocery items - involve the team in packing goodies and a lot more.
In return, we get to enjoy and at the same help us in knowing each others' interests.