Thanks to Film Annex

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I have been on Film Annex now for nearly two years, joined back in 2010 and shortly after my film ‘Ready or Not’ won the film of the month competition. I have uploaded pretty much all of my videos now an my WebTV channel was recently featured on Film Annex.

Through the WebTV you can generate revenue and you can do quite well. My Channel generated a good revenue for the time it was featured.  It seemed only right that because I had made the money from films that the money go towards films! So I invested in a Red Scarlet!

You can see the first test that I did with the camera on my WebTV right now, so if your interested go and check it out.

Also its kind of a thing now that the first thing I film when I get a new camera is my dog! You can see the first footage I shot with my 5D here 

Watch more on bitLanders

Also the still from some of the Scarlet footage shown below


Without the help and promotion from Film Annex this wouldn’t have been possible so I want to say a huge thanks to everyone at film annex, and I will be uploading future tests to Film Annex.

I think sometimes you need that little something that just reminds you to carry on going and making films, and this has defiantly given me that inspiration to get out their and film.

I plan to be in California (also a trip to New York) around July and August time with my kit (updated kit list to follow) I really wanna get involved with some projects whilst I am their so if anyone has anything let me know.

Also summer 2013 I want to start production on my first feature, it will be low budget but lets be honest you don’t need masses of money these days to make a great film!

Stay tuned on that, I will be uploaded and videos such as interviews, video blogs, making of and trailers to Film Annex first!

So if you haven’t joined Film Annex or made a WebTV yet then I strongly advise you to do so. It is a great way to get you videos out there and seen by lots of people.

Lastly again a huge thanks to Film Annex



About the author


Mark Kuczewski has directed and worked on many short films over the past few years many of witch are now making their way round the festival circuit. Ready or Not has picked up awards for ‘Best thriller’ and the ‘No Limits Award’ as well as being screened at Eat our…

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