the bench 2 comments

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Someone told me a few days ago that my last film was nice but that he had to watch it a few times before understand it. I tried to explain what i wanted to communicate with it and i realized that without my explanation would have been hard to get to it.

This drove me to think, oh gosh! so my movies are not as easy as i thought.

So here i am to talk about my last movie "the bench 2".

I chose a business woman but it could have perfectly fitted a businessman or a housekeeping man/woman or an unemployed person. Adults are usually lost in their thoughts and sometimes we listen to others and we create an idea of what we think they say, what we guess they mean, what we suppose they wish, and we miss the real necessity of them. So this woman, even being nice and generous giving some breadcrumbs of her lunch to the blackbird, missed completely what the blackbird needed.

With the teenager, i try to get out of the typical stereotype of them, that society has, there are loads of teenagers more capable than lots of us adults, so this teenager who has also lots of things going through his mind and his body still has the capacity to listen in a way that adults find difficult to comply, the easy thing is to think that the blackbird expects something to eat, so he gives him a breadcrumb like the business woman, but his mind goes further and his CURIOSITY makes him follow the blackbird to know more, and curiosyty is what makes him understand.

Of couse, after finding out the necessity of blackbird, he could have gone away without caring, but most of teenagers do care about others even if they make like they do not.

Hope this helps, and that you can enjoy my film now knowing what i meant to.

About the author


Raquel Yunta (1972). She has worked as a visual artist since 2000. Her animated short films are easy, comical, and suitable for all

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