The Benefits Of Garlic

Garlic is a typical materials, which have the potential to improve the health of the body. The garlic flavor to food, however, continues to have a high benefit.

1. Garlic and heart disease
One of the main triggers of heart disease is the instability of Low Density Lipoprotein or LDL and High Density Lipoprotein or HDL, on the body. Garlic can help stabilize the body in the production of HDL/LDL is excellent. Garlic can also serve to reduce the ketelngketan kepind blood or platelets, so that the body can achieve a secure compensatory ritual are required. In addition, garlic also acts to keep the blood circulation and the heart, to remain in a healthy condition.

2. Garlic and bacteria
Garlic can help the body to kill the bacteria, even a dangerous type of bacteria with though. Scientists have proved that the bacteria are multiplying, the addition of garlic extract on a colony of bacteria can kill germs quickly and prevent further growth of germs.

3. garlic and blood flow.
To reach parts of the body, garlic compounds will be carried by the blood circulation and nutrient ingredients and processed into becoming the drug throughout the body. Garlic may play a role in the treatment of internal parasites-parasites last night are in the bloodstream.

4. Garlic and breathing.
An excretion from the aroma of garlic through the lungs can eliminate various problems or diseases around the lungs. While most people generally will be plagued with bad breath generated by this excretion, but benefits from eating garlic can actually nourish your lungs. If you consume garlic gradually, more and more routine day, the body will be accustomed and disorders like the smell on the breathing too little by little will be reduced.


Other Benefits Of Garlic

Since garlic is broken down into a number of compounds, all this material can serve as a bunch of drugs and be able to treat a variety of diseases. The following are some of the conditions that can be solved by garlic, and also show how the benefits of garlic does have a good reputation since time immemorial.

Garlic can help treat: