The Best Korean action dramas

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Many Korean drama fans love romantic comedies, but there are other options for viewers who want a change of pace.

There's a reason this show shot to the top of our weekly top 10 list during its run. Healer focuses around "Healer," a mysterious night courier who completes high-risk jobs for the rich and elite until he runs into a determined young reporter who changes everything.

Lee Min Ho isn't the only reason to watch this series about a young man trained from an early age to infiltrate Korea's Blue House and enact revenge on the people who killed his father.

I have often heard Iris described as the "K-drama 24," and that's not a bad description. Iris follows two best friends who are recruited to a top-secret government organization that engages in dangerous missions.

All I have to do is hear the theme song for this series, and it already gets my heart racing! (This is a great series to watch at the gym, by the way.)

Sometimes you just need to take the badassery back in time. Many historical dramas feature gorgeously choreographed fight scenes, but for epic action, Chuno is probably the best.

Bridal Mask (aka Gaksital) goes back to the Japanese occupation of Korea in the 1930s, where a mysterious vigilante called Gaksital fights against the corrupt and ruthless rulers.

This is one case where you don't have to watch the original to understand the sequel. In both Iljimae and Return of Iljimae, we see a Robin Hood-like figure who robs from the rich to help the poor.

If you enjoy noir crime thrillers, this series about undercover cops entering the seedy world of organized crime is the perfect choice. Amazing acting, amazing storyline,

If Heartless City is just a little too gritty for your tastes, you can always go the action comedy route with You Are All Surrounded instead.

Sadly, this one isn't available to watch on DramaFever, but it bears mentioning anyway because the writer and PD from this excellent series are joining forces again for Hidden Identity.

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