The Best of Me.

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The movie Best of Me looks good, although there is a lot of romance in it. That is a good thing, of course, but could it be sappy? Possibly. A lot of Nicholas Sparks movies are. From what I read of the book, it looks good, but I hope there is more than just gooey romantic scenes. Being single is hard to watch these kind of movies. Mostly, they are unrealistic. A lot of people meet high school guys yes but many years later would they fall inlove again? Not always.

I guess I like some suspense in movies. There is a little in this book. Having not read the book fully, I want to know what happens. Does her husband realize she is still into her ex boyfriend from 20 something years ago? Probably. Being that he is alcoholic, will he come after her and her bf? I will tell you more when I watch the movie if I do.

:) Beck

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