The Challenge of Growth
As young men and women....
let us strive for self-worth by developing ourselves and relating with others in an upright manner.
Let us not make use of pretense, or hypocrisy, much less deceit, in order to project or preserve a good image in front of others.
People will admire us for what we are, when we strive to become our true selves. In fact, a greater cause of shame would be the discovery by others that we have been ''plastic'' and phony all the time.
The world expects so much from us.
We, too have our own expectations and dreams.
As young men and women, let us continue to grow in greater wisdom.
This means that we have to more extra-sensitive to the world around us, and to the elements of truth that are present everywhere.
Above all, let us not be deceived by sounds and lights of modern media.
They can arouse a powerful upsurge of emotions in us.
But we already know that our feelings, while they may be natural and often beautiful, may easily carry us away from the truth.
We must learn to sift through the chaff and the grain, and pick out what is beautiful, noble, and true.