The chose of career is a very difficult job. On this choice depends the success and failure of a young man’s futures life. Therefore one should be careful while choosing a career. Unfortunately there are no any arrangements in our country to guide young boys and girls in this direction. They select a career at the random and find it difficult to pull on. Sometimes the circumstances compel them to undertake the fist job that come in their way, and thus to make it a career for the whole life.
While choosing the career one should keep before him some guiding principles. Only such careers are according to ones taste, aptitudes and abilities, both physical and mental, should be adopted. As we know that work is worship, and naturally you will be able to do a job in a better way if you have chosen it of your own accord. A job which is against your taste may hardly suit you as a career for a life. While working at a job of one’s choice one feels pleasure and excitement. In such a career all the hidden qualities of one’s mind and body take an active part. And one does not feel fatigue or boredom.
While keeping a choice for a career another consideration should be to see the job is accordance with ones academic qualifications or training. Our schools and colleges give no consideration to the aptitude of students in their selection of subjects of studies. They do not realized the importance of this psychological fact that one has greater chances of success in the field of one’s own choice then in those fields of study which have been thrust upon one from out side. This is the main reason of mass failures in our examination. Therefore students should be given a fair choice in the matter of selection of their subjects of study. They should select their subjects according to the career which they want to adopt after the completion of their education or training.
Parents and teachers guide their wards and provide facilities for the selection. The government too may be some thing by setting up guidance cells, side by side with employment exchanges in every city people should be able to get guidance and expert advice regarding the choice of career from these centers.
If our students guide properly our students may choose such careers as should be according to their taste, and consequently, would give them greater chance of success. Mental and physical abilities of the workers should be given due consideration, side by side with willingness to work. All these things count and help in increasing the tof workers. Thus, on a fair and just choice of the career depends the success of one’s life.