The Country With The Biggest Heart And Open Doors: Pakistan

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Pakistan has been drawn as a country that is full of violence and terror, and yes a country that is struggling to make ends meet for its citizens. It is fighting internal battles as well as the war on terror.

Yet with all these hardships, Pakistan has still remained a country with the biggest heart. Regardless of how difficult things can get in Pakistan, this amazing country and its people has never turned away people who are in fear of their life and require a safe haven.

Based on a UNHCR report that was published in 2012Pakistan tops the list on countries with the most refugees at 1,638,500.


The UNHCR reported for 2015 states that in January 2015, Pakistan still was home to 1.5 million refugees. Keep in mind these numbers included only those refugees that have been registered; the number could be higher.

Pakistan also has its own IDPs (Internally displaced people) from the war on terror, from North Waziristan and FATA area. These people are also in camps and urban areas where they can find help and a place to stay.

The misconception that many people have, is that the majority of all the refugees that have come to Pakistan are from Afghanistan – which is incorrect. Pakistan has also opened up its doors to people of concern from, Myanmar, Islamic Republic of Iran and Somalia, just to name a few.

The UNHCR has estimated that by the end of 2015, Pakistan may have over 2,352,080 refugees – that number also includes Asylum-seekers and IDPs. But as things change in the world, these numbers might also change.

prediction for dec 2015 640

The province that is hard pressed by housing refugees and IDPs currently is KPK, with 62%, with number increasing by the end of the year.

Refugee breakdown by province

From the map below, we can see that the majority of refugees and IDPs live in rural camps, while some have moved to urban areas trying to make a life while away from their homes.

distribution of refugees urban and rural

Though this country is hard pressed, it is still willing to open up its doors to those who are persecuted in their own countries and need a safe place to live.

Though UNHCR has helped to return millions of refugees back to their homes. Whereas, Pakistan with the support of others has ensured that these refugees who do remain, have food and access to medical attention and schools. The question that many refugees and IDPs still have is, will they forever remain refugees?

forever refugees

Even with a heart as big as Pakistan, one nation is not enough to ensure that the millions of refugees not only have a chance to live, but to thrive. As humans, they have a right to life and the right to liberty, to make their lives better, but until they are not safe and secure in a home of their own, that is not possible.

It is time that the world took off its rose colored glasses and looked at the situation – not with the intent to find temporary solutions, but to ensure that no human, no person of any faith, or creed or sect be persecuted.

We must stand together to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves, in the word’s of the late, great musician Michael Jackson “we are the world” and we must prove it.


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