The Dragon doesnt like relaity TV
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well we are into the last week of January and the new rules are being enforced. They significantly reduce reality TV on broadcast television. The airwaves are no longer clogged with reality TV all throughout prime time. The show that are relacing them having quite got up to the same levels of quality yet but the short time frame between notice and enforcement didnt allow for a lot of planning. I have not heard too much complaining form the audience, As a matter of fact I have heard none at all. Some shows moved online. In the US that might sound funny but in China there are more people who watch video on broadband than we have people here in the US. People in China are more open to watching long form (TV show and movies) than those in the US where short segments are more the norm.
So it will get really interesting late 2012 and 2013 when the big TV manufacturers begin to really roll out web enabled TV sets.