The Film-maker in me.

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I started my career in Steadicam operating field in the year 2000 and   has been associated with many Bollywood films. To name a few - Race, Slumdog Millionaire, My name is Khan etc. 


A Film-maker in me took birth in 2007. I won 2 for my film NO FEAR. The details can be seen on my webpage.


  • Created, Edited,Shot the teasers, making of 'THE BLUE MUG' play for a TV channel of USA. - 2010 

  • Completed 2 Feature Films as a DOP, short films, Music video and Ad films as a cinematographer in 2010. Also did a feature film as an additional DOP in 2012. 

  • Directed shows like LOVE FUDNAS and STREET MASTI for an on-line channel.


Still continuing with his passion of film making...Lots more to come.. :)

Words From the heart...

A Simple human being who loves to explore himself and make the best out of, what life is offering you - That's me.  

I love my family, friends and my pets.

My nature is -  To observe; people and things around you.
                      Speak when required. 

                       Listen. Watch. Listen. Watch -
                      'Coz at the end of the day you will know something more than u had known earlier. :)

Likes - Watch movies, music, travel, reading (sometimes), eat good food.
            I also cook sometimes - food & stories- which helps in my profession - Film making. :)

Film-making came from within, I didn't assist any director. May be it was in my subconscious mind. Somewhere, working with so many directors, during my 'Steadicam' days, helped me grow as a technician and a story teller. Watching lots of films helped too but the main thing was - Practice! 

I believe in doing the things which satisfies your soul, relaxes your mind and makes you happy. 
'Coz that way, you are close to yourself and you dont pretend to be 'SOME ONE' to the world. 
Just being 'YOURSELF' may be difficult for many people but the real thing!

If you want to meet your true self, try to cut off from the 'WORLDLY' and 'SOCIETAL' restrictions, is what i think. Please don't misinterpret it, Its a deep thought; understand it.

What ever occurs in your life, Positive or negative your own creation...of this life or previous lives. 

Be Happy :)


About the author


Hello! I am an independent film-maker.
Work Exp : 13 years.
Skills - Direction, Cinematography Editing, Writing.

Achievements - Few Awards for my short films & some good projects as a Director / DP

Work Profile - at my webpage.

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