image credits :Docxdrl visa Canva
Hello people…
If you are new on Bitlanders or an old member of the community, have you discovered your first 90 days success theories on Bitlanders? Or has it come and gone without you knowing? How did you utilize your 90 days to its full potential?
Ever since I came on board Bitlanders, it has really been fun, I have noticed changes in position and people in the community. This is precisely how a competitive and progressive community should be.
Individuals should be given the opportunity to evolve, to grow and make an impact in the community. The president of America may have been giving 100 days to prove himself, but you can prove yourself a team player on Bitlanders in the span of 90 days, thus “The First 90 days success theories on Bitlanders”
During these 90 days, you are expected to learn, to grow, to evolve and build a positive momentum of how you can become a team member of Bitlanders community.
In order to become successful on Bitlanders within your first 90 days, the first thing you should consider should be
Prepare your mind for new challenges
It is no secret that most of us on Bitlanders are here because of the money. Despite us all here for the money, it does not mean we know how to get the money.
We are not prepared to make the sacrifice and get the money, we just want the money. Miss Hillary and the Administrative team are put in place by the founder of Bitlanders Francesco Rulli to checkmate that ideology. Be prepared!
video credits: Bitsonline via Youtube
Without preparing your mindset for new challenges, the money will not be forthcoming, and frustration will down swiftly. Preparing your mind for the challenges on Bitlanders and striving to become successful, should be your first initiative. And thus
An old dog should be ready to learn new tricks
This, of course, has not sat well with many, after becoming frustrated by wasted effort, energy, resources and time, they simply fade into history.
With the right mindset, it is possible to become a beacon of hope to newbie’s and also old members.
Shortening the learning curve
When you first came on board Bitlanders, there are many I had to learn from the get-go. The important part of success is learning how to shorten the learning and start growing your base buzz.
image credits: Geralt via Pixabay
Bitlanders has already made that possible by providing you with some few Gems to kick-start your journey of becoming a beacon (Three free submissions)
Unfortunately for most people (with me inclusively), we lost that chance and had a late start due to one reason or another. Notwithstanding, even after losing your way, you can bounce back at it. This simply boils down to changing your mindset about becoming successful and working towards your success.
To become successful and effective, it is paramount that the learning curve becomes stabilize in a month’s time. And to do this, you must know what to learn, and approach it with an open mind.
Bitlanders community members are not afraid to give a helping hand (of course I could not have made it thus far without them). Ask people on the leaderboard how they made it thus far.
Settings goals to achieve
Goals are the focal point that stands as pointers, guides, and give us purpose. To achieve these goals, we need to develop a strategy.
image credits: Geralt via Pixabay
No matter the strategy developed, the goal here is to become successful on Bitlanders within your first 90 days. Though different situation on Bitlanders may have made you feel out-casted (I know I did when I first arrived).
With everyday logging into Bitlanders and understanding what to do, I am glad I did not give up
Simply put....
The old dog learns new tricks
After setting your goals, focus your energy on achieving them. Therefore,
be goal oriented.
Blogging on Bitlanders seems to be the best area results are seen fast. You have to learn how much time you will spend on blogging and how much time you will spend buzzing people.
Building your successful team on Bitlanders
You are in no position to underrate any person on Bitlanders. This is because Bitlanders is a community. Each member is a team player and crucial for success. When you succeed in building the right team on Bitlanders,
The sky is your starting point
Leverage your subscribers and build a team to give buzz and get buzzed. A team is built by subscribing to as many people as possible. The underlying rule of Bitlanders is
Never asked to be buzzed, but buzz people and they will buzz you back
Three months is a long time for you to get your game plan ready. Surround yourself on Bitlanders with people that best advice you and help your needs towards becoming successful.
Help here means answering your questions about things you do not understand, point you in the right direction and buzz your post.
Subscribers are necessary for success on Bitlanders
It is crucial on Bitlanders that you discipline yourself. Subscribers to others. Sooner or later, you will need the help of your subscribers to become successful.
images credits: Geralt via Pixabay
Build social responsibility on Bitlanders by buzzing your subscriber's posts. Complement them when the needs arise, speak encouragement into their efforts.
It is not just ok to subscribe back to them, but become part of their growth on Bitlanders. Build a lasting relationship with them not just buzzing them.
Thus, identify with your subscribers, make it a habit of knowing what they doing on Bitlanders.
The kindness you showed your subscribers can also be returned to you. You and your subscriber may share the same vision, they will support you, in turn, give them the support they also desire, because
Success breeds success
To become successful, manage your time
Shortening your learning time does not mean you have acquired all the skills needed, but it simply means you know your basics. To really become successful, you will need to manage your time.
images credits: Tumisu via Pixabay
Though at some point, you won’t have a social life. That is the price you pay for becoming successful. To manage your time, you will need to become
Set a clear boundary of what your focus should be on Bitlanders.
Avoiding not buzzing to your subscribers
Avoid not getting involved in the growth and development of your subscribers & newbies.
Within these first 90 days that are crucial for success on Bitlanders, balanced these days with self-discipline, setting your goals, planning and becoming a beacon of hope for others.
video credits: Evan Carmichael via youtube
There is a need to accelerate your subscribers and yourself on Bitlanders within the first 90 days, they are crucial to success.
Bitlanders is a community of loving people, where you give buzz and get the buzz. Subscribe and get subscribe back, a social media with the mindset of helping you to make money as you become socialized, and learn different cultures around the world.
Adhering to the above would increase your chances of success. I am not saying am successful, but am saying we can be successful.
Thank you for your time