1. Achieve Certifications in content writing
A Certification in content writing will help to understand and learn about content management. Additionally, AWAI and Writer's Digest are arranging online workshops and BootCamps for writers. Attending one of these will equip you thoroughly to get started.
2. Pursue Coursera courses
Coursera is one of the best online sources to gain a certification in content writing. Weekly tutorials, course materials and assignments will help you to learn quickly. Successful completion of the course will bring adequate knowledge about online writing, communication and psychology.
3. Be a member of content writing forum
Participate in discussions and draw inspiration from other writers. It will also help you to win writing assignments from clients who like your work. Freelance writing is one of the lucrative sources to build your income. It will soon improve your skills and encourages you to stay confident in your work.
4. Set daily schedule for writing
Write 3000-5000 words per day. Publish on your blog, website or publish your works on top ranked online publishing directories. Dedicate and save at least 4-8 hours for writing.
5. Review your writing
Read and review your writing before you publish online or sending it to client. Spend time in corrections to submit an error-free document.
6. Read Widely
Reading online will improve writing abilities. The ideas of different authors will develop interest in you and you will learn many new aspects in sentence structure, vocabulary and content development.