The Idea of Love

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He proactively communicates and suggest to find out whether she's with him so far away from each other. Do not understand what is happening to me at the time, such as the unconscious, as the instinct, she pours fast breaks, he quickly agreed but also give him a year, at the end of last semester she would come to get a master's degree. Very sad to hear, but he said he will wait for her until the day she arrived, both of you will be together forever.

Love the seemingly distant things limited to the telephone, the times online to video chat on yahoo, update facebook, but she still felt happy and warm dark matter not hand him clench, no presents, no flowers, no dates holidays. Sometimes see ambiguity about this sentiment but she's not so frustrated, because she knew herself loved him very much.

She lives in a family very hard and thoroughly. Whole House doesn't let her know anybody until she finished school, so he will only stand in the dark with her family.


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