The importance of commercial education in Pakistan is evident because this is the age of commercial and technical revolution, for the real progress of commerce and industry we need efficient and skilled , trained workers in this field.therefore the commercial education is the must for all young men of our country.It becomes all more important because of the fact that although we have already entered the field of commerce and industry, we do not have sufficient number of trained commercial hands. The cheif object of commercial education is to acquaint our young man with the theoretical and practical aspect of all maters relating to commerce. Business adminstration and management requires high level of training and a good knowledge of economic and commercial science therefore if the standard of commerce in pakistan is to be improved. it is necessary that the study of commerce as a subject at the college and university level is made compulsory.A study of theories and practices of commerce trade and industry enables a businessman to see the thing in their true colour. The term commercial education also includes the practical training specialised training in the field of commerce also covers the professional courses like costing , income tax practice and higher statistics. this training is the additional requirement for business careers and should therefore, form part of commercial education.additional facilities should be provided for commercial training at the college and university level.
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