The incredible beaches in the world

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Speaking to the beach, most people immediately think of white or yellow sands beside the rolling waves, the sparkling sunlight.

But in reality, there are many other incredible beaches far from what people expect. Here are some of the incredible beaches that.

One of the most striking differences is the color of the beach sand: they are not white, nor yellow. And it was not really sand, which can be stone, shells, corals, or glass ... This is also a large attraction for our visitors.

Shelley Beach at Shark Bay, Australia

Unique Glass Beach in California, USA. This beach is formed when the locals dump for many years and over time, garbage - mostly glass bottles, crushed into sand waves. The garbage eventually banned, but there is still sand glass

This beach is said to be formed after the Mexican government used the uninhabited island to carry out bombings trial in 1900

Beach looked like stars in the sky, Maldives

Emits green light on 'star beach "is due to plankton bioluminescence when waves

Red sand beach in the Bahamas. Pink color here is the coral fragments, shells ...

Beach Jokulsarlon, Iceland. Sand on this beach is black due to volcanic remnants, they contrast beautifully with the white ice detached from an iceberg in the region

Egg beach (beach Koekohe) in New Zealand. This beach has many rock shaped like an egg - the "ball" solid sedimentary rock formed over land surrounding sediments, sea waves erode over time
Green sand beach at Kourou, Guiana (French). Green rarity of this beach is by olivine, remnants of volcanic eruptions
Causeway Coast beach in Iceland
Beach Causeway Coast in Iceland is similar to Da Dia reef in Tuy An District, Phu Yen, Vietnam
Punaluu Black Sand Beach in Hawaii
Red sand beach at Rabida, Galapagos
Pfeiffer purple sand beaches in California, United States

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