The Joys of running- Crewing Blog

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On recent shots for level 6 at my university I have been filling the role of runner a great deal. And this is a much looked down upon position in the film making industry, but personally I love it, But Why?

the joy of running is being helpful, I love to help others and as a runner you help anyone who you are told to, this puts many people off but I love this, the constant busyness, tying cables or carrying boxes, your never board, your always busy and on a shoot that is the best thing to be. To many times as other jobs I have been waiting around all day without doing anything, not as a runner.

Another reason why I love running is the fact that you learn so much from everyone because you work with everyone, from camera to lighting even directing, you absorb so much from many places and that is the greatest joy of all.

so advice to you all out there, if your offered the chance to run grab it with both hands, you'll learn a lot, and have a great time. 

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