The Little Unexpected Things In Our Life

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I spent a lot of time in the bookstore today. I never know what I'm going to find, but today I found something really interesting. Problem is, I can't remember what book it was or even the location in the bookstore where I found it. All I can remember is that you were to create a little notebook for yourself to carry with you for a week. For a woman, it would be relatively easy. Just create one that would be small enough to carry in your handbag. And then throughout that week, you are going to record every coincidence that occurs to you. Apparently a lot of them happen and we brush them off. I'm really curious and I'm going to give it a try just to see if it happens?? Now if I could just remember what it's all suppose to mean??

I have been thinking about it and I honestly can't remember a single occurrence but then again... but then it did say that you don't tend to notice them! Will give it a week and see what happens!

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