The Look That Men Find Most Attractive

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Well it refreshing : It turns out that men and women find women more attractive when they have less makeup on , according to a new study published in the quarterly journal Experimental Psychology .For the study, researchers recruited 44 women to model for the picture. They presented models with a wide range of makeup and asked them to apply as if they were going out for the evening . The models were photographed before and after the application of makeup.Then the images were modified to create 21 pictures of each girl with varying amounts of makeup and presented to 44 observers (22 men , 22 women). Observers can move through the images properly, see a gradual increase and decrease of makeup. Then they were asked to choose the version of every woman is the most attractive of them , the version they thought was most attractive to people , and the version they believed kaakit- most beautiful women .Interestingly , women prefer a little more makeup than men ( but not much) . But here are the main news: The model took over 30 percent more makeup than any observer found attractive , which is more than they thought others would find any observer kaakit- attraction. So most likely , you're not doing too much makeup on the forehead .PLUS: You'll be surprised by the extent of women Have long hair and make dailyMen and women thought that other people prefer more makeup in their own desired - so apparently , we believe that we are in the minority , if we want a more natural look. And both sexes are not real men prefer more makeup than women; In fact, the opposite is true.

About the author


Done M.Phil in Agricultural Entomology. doing job as Agricultural Scientist.

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