The most beautiful memory of my childhood

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 The most beautiful memory of my childhood

Memories of childhood have their own importance in our life. As we grow up we feel more and more attachment towards our childhood. Childhood is the best period of our life. A child has no worries no anxieties. The motto of his life is to eat, drink and be merry. The charm of childhood cannot be forgotten. These memories leave an everlasting impression on our life.

 I enjoy my childhood in Peshawar. A visit to Peshawar is most beautiful memory of my childhood. Peshawar is the district of K.P.K. I spent my most of the time in visiting Peshawar.

In Peshawar, Fort Bale Hisar. It is the beautiful building and has beautiful architecture and design. It is an ancient building.

I also visited the Dean Trade center. It is the big shopping and commercial mall. In dean trade center variety of things are available.

I also visited Peshawar museum. The museum has collection of almost 14000,items based on Gandhara, grew-Buddhist, Kushan, Karthian and indo-Scythian. The collection includes Sculptures, coins manuscripts, statues, ancients books, early vision of the holy Quran, weapons, dresses, jewelries etc.

Similarly during living in Peshawar I visited the old city centre , Qissa Khwani bazaar, Chowk Yadgar, Mohabbat khan mosque, many parks like Khalid bin Waleed park, Wazir bagh etc.

During living in Peshawar, these are the most memorable days of my life, which I never forgot.



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