The most interesting church in Ethiopia that you must see before you die

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Ethiopia is a country where more than 80 languages are spoken.This country is inhabited by different nations and nationalities who live together harmoniously.There are thousands of historical and natural places in Ethiopia which attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists all over the world.In this scope,I have forwarded the most interesting and amazing church that you must(if possible...) visit before you die.Here are the main ones...


This  Church is located in the Northern Ethiopia with a location name called,Lalibela.This church is unique  from any other churches found in the world by one particular form.The church is built by one monolithic rock by the 16th century during the era of King Lalibela.He is the most talented and genious king with the knowledge of Engineering and Architecure of that age.The other unique thing is that this church is located beanth the normal level of the earth.Most tourists are amazed by the construction since the inner and outer part of the church is designed very precisely in the form of 'Cross architecture'.As I visit this church,I ask the church priests who are serving in it about the reason why King Lalibela construct this church below the surface of the earth.One of the priests told me that Lalibela has constructed the church to protect against various powerful enemies of the time and to stop the long journey to Jerusalem which is a pilgrimage practiced by Ethiopian Orthodox followers.

The other most interesting thing about this church is that the internal structure is safe and resists many earthquakes occurred in the past centuries.In addition,the architectural style and formation is amazing...A lot of saint paints were seen on the walls and ceilings still clearly visualized,WOW!!!

Come to Ethiopia and visit Lalibela and other most secret and untold places which you can't see in any other places on the earth!!!!



About the author


I am Hailemichael yihun,25, from Ethiopia.I have studied primary and secondary education in Ethiopian schools.Then I have joined local university in Ethiopia studying Civil engineering and now I am a graduated civil Engineer.I am a prolific writer,student and blogger.

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