The next step to a silent REVOLUTION.

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Value is simple if you have it and someone wants it both of you agree on a trade,barter or sale . Value has been bestowed upon large rocks,hair,shells,even polished poo and EVERYTHING in between. We live in a instant world through electronics and even the most inept are wired in.      (link to our asset site )

  Well with the 500+ coins and Years of seeing the market , integrating stores first online and now everywhere.Helping set up Btm networks and unit placements.We are in a unique place. We have seen bitcoin go from a handful of devs to 93 year old grandmas hands .

  We have seen the taint of Law and drugs .We put BTC in stores and Casinos when the only thing people new about it was you can buy drugs online with it. Shit we helped make it possible to buy legal Medicine in 3 states with crypto not just bitcoin.


      The way for making MUE ,Start,DOGE,BTC,LITECOIN   actually valuable,relevant,main stream,and stable is simple use.

You dont have time to educate a consumer. They must seek it out (They will we show you how ),

      Take the old defunct S&H Green Stamps.look them up. They where the first loyalty program in stores.New

Tech.and ideas surpassed them. But the same plan still works and is used everywhere.Make the coin look like

,act like  a coupon .

 Everyone knows how to use a coupon.So they will use them read them and then learn about them.Thats how

you get consumers. 50 cents-$1.00 per transaction .Will increase use ,demand,holders, and even lost coins

increase held coins value.

                                            WELL WHERE WILL THEY USE THEM ?

First target stores that are small and make it simple for them to accept the coin and you cash them out to local

currency .(face to face and on call to get established not easy but worth it).Why cash them out 100% .Well

,because as a business they need to only accept it (they dont hold Credit card payments)The consumer drives

demand. You create demand by printing a branded wallet.Give the vendor $20 in wallets and Right then hand

them $20 in  local currency.This way when a consumer hands a coupon in ,the vendor already has the money

(we will use coupon instead of wallets).How does the consumer get the (wallet)coupon? Have the vendor give

the coupon to consumer with receipt .On purchases over whatever limit you set.Then have your local clubs use

that vendor create demand and a vendor will sell it .That is what they do .Create a market and use .the

consumer will use it.Then this opens the door for adoption 1 store a time;


 Remember those store branded coupons/wallets . That is how you pique the consumers interest have a site

that states you can Buy (insert coin )(insert vendor) where you received this coupon every $100 purchase gets

you $110 in store value.Now we know this isnt free but with minable coin, devs ,bounties and community support .

We/You can do this on per location basis.Tourist spots should be first as they are travelling and seeing the

coupons in multiple locations and thats the best ads you can get.

      We have done this in shops from art supplies to Rawlings ,Bistros ,casinos, and more . We are in November

doing this with MUE ..So get some as they have a great promotional campaign Starting First Friday in november.that will be having 100-300 people  using MUE in ourchases throughout 18b area stores.


change begins by #askastoreaday






About the author


Soldier,father,patriot,business owner,art freak,coin freak and all around crypto lover.

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