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With it being the holy month of Ramadhan, a very important & significant event takes place in this month in 1 of the last 10 days . It is called Laylat _ul qadr ( The night of power).

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) life is said to have carried many miracls, but the 2 main miracles that occured were the night of power, where the whole of the qur'an was revealed, & the other which was the miraculous journey from masjid Al aqsa up to the heavens.

According to chapter 97 of the holy qur'an, it was brought down by angel Jibril (as). Laylat-ul qadr is seen as a night of great power where muslims believe that all the ibadah you do is doubled & all our sins are forgiven.

The holy month of ramadhan is viewed by muslims to have great blessings, but this night of power adds more spiritual feeling to it. Believers are encouraged to intensify their spiritual worship towards the end of the month in order to experiance the night of power. It is not 100% clear as to exactly what date the night of power falls into, therefore worship is increased in the last 10 days.




In the last 10 days muslims offer extra prayers. They try to stay awake most nights as much as their body allows them, and pray allah fulfills all their needs.

Some fortunate people spend the whole 10 days in the mosque, however that is not always possible for some poeple so provisions shud be made for them at home. Some worldly activities you can still take part in but it is discouraged to do so. Spending asmuch time in ibadah in these days is prefered...

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