The other nobles into the woods to hunt. Same goes for a friend he has a large and numerous servants.

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To a large tree, he saw that drawing scattered on the target and the center of each bull pierced with an arrow. Surprised, nobleman exclaimed:

- Marksman Who is this great? Must find him!

After continuing through the forest a few miles away, hunting delegation met a boy carrying a bow and arrow. He recognized that he was the archer who shot up the trunk name.

- I do not draw on the stem end and hammer nailing arrow into the bull you? - Nobleman asked.

- No, sir. I shoot arrows from a distance of 100 steps. I swear on the most sacred that it was true.

- It's amazing. - Nobleman uttered - I will receive him as guardian. But we need to ask him a question, and how I could shoot the wonderful play to give his name?

He replied:

- First, I shoot arrows into the trunk, then, I draw the bull's eye around it.

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