The Paper Cut Collection

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I'm currently working on the first in what I'm hoping to be many animated shorts.

#1 is called 'Munindigesional Void' and is nearing the end of the visual edit.

As the name might suggest, I'm taking an opportunity to let my hair down in my film making and tell stories that would otherwise be either impossible or too much bureaucracy to feel like a strait off the cuff experience.

Although the animations will be based on very basic drawing, photoshop and after effects skills, you should be subject to ideas from the heart with less boundaries that cause compromise.

A self enclosed process maybe, but the focus is as always to entertain an audience and I think this might give me more control to communicate a stories ambitions clearly.

To follow the mission more regularly, check out my twitter for the project:

Once it's done, it'll be right here :)

About the author


Currently based in West London, I'm a story teller with a curious imagination. I take inspiration from practically everything, I'm cuckoo for atmosphere and I love making films.

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