The RE Barterization of the economy

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I realized there were too many cryptos while doing research.  625 there 324 here.  I challenged people on TWTR to name an animal from Noahs arc and ill find a coin for it.  Well guess what i got ?  Someone said Dodobird coin. Guess what i found it.  Someone else said " is there a douchebag coin" (smart guy) , no.  But i did find a maxipad coin.  So this can go one way or the other.  Its pretty obvious Bitcoin will survive the life of its planned mining duration.  It should carry along 2 or 3 cryptos for the ride and the rest will fail miserably.  The other way this could go is in the title of this piece.  We are going back to bartering.  Digitally.   We just may have 300 different coins 30 years from now.  Bitcoin will be the common thread that exchanges any goods or money, and there will be a digital coins specifically tailored to move data or goods securely for a purpose.  They all would be available right there.  I'm tellin' ya I got a few wallets on trading accts., and I can transfer money in any Crypto I choose quite fast.  Of course there is a chance they all fail including Bticoin but at this stage its unlikely BTC will die before 2025.  Especially in emerging markets. So sit back relax and enjoy the quite revolution in finance.  Watch the rebarterization of the economy, and be a part of it.

About the author


I like to make hip hop music study the stock market and live a relaxed life in general.

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