1. Pride
"Pride is not grandeur but swelling, which is swollen and looks great, but is not healthy.
- San Agustin
2. Gluttony
"Eating is a quick way to take anything, it is the metaphor of absolute ownership"
Fernando Savater
3. Greed
"In the Earth has enough to satisfy the needs of everyone, but not to greed of some"
Mahatma Ghandi
4. Anger
"What makes the angry is something frightening: they load of reason"
Rafael Sanchez, Ferlosio
5. Lust
Why they call It Love when they mean sex?
Marx -Groucho
6. Laziness
"Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before being tired"
Jules Renard
7. Envy
"The best revenge against our enemies is to be happy"