The story snails

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Snail mother asked me the other day: "Mommy! Why do we have to wear from birth vase heavy and hard on the back like that? It's going to be dead tired! "
"Because our bodies do not have the bone to resist, only cattle, but cattle are not fast" - Snails mother said.
"I have no bones caterpillars crawling is not fast, why she does not wear heavy and hard jar that?"
"Because she will turn into butterfly caterpillars, the sky will protect her."
"But I have no bone earthworms, cow and not fast, nor Metamorphosis, why she does not wear heavy and hard jar that?"
"Because earthworms brother will go under the earth, the earth will protect her."
Cry baby snails, said: "We really pathetic, the sky does not protect us, nor the earth protect us."
"So we have the pot!" - Snail mother to comfort me - "We do not rely on the sun, and not rely on the land, we have to rely on themselves ts

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