The Terminator's Love Child

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It's crazy to hear about Arnold Schwarzenegger's love child! First of all how could he be sleeping with a woman who worked for him and his wife and was in the same household as them? Secondly, how messed up is it that he didn't confess when the child was born that it was his? It's so sad that people could do this to the ones they love and to their child and not come clean about the mistakes they made. After 14 years of course you would feel like you've been living a lie for so long with your partner. If you watch our episode on cheating we discuss how to notice signs that your partner is cheating and how to deal with it. In this case I don't think there is any way to save your marriage after 14 YEARS!! The key in marriage is honesty and trust and it seems like there was no honesty with the terminator. xx Love Mania

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Two best friends who have known each other since childhood, discuss dating, relationships and love. They share their experiences, friends stories and emails from fans. Questions or stories? Email us at

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