The Time of The Year

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Its about the time of year where things start to get fun. It starts getting warmer, the days are longer, many people become more pleasant. More freedom is granted. Our bosses, co-workers and teachers are all cracking down on us about our work. The time grows longer, more time to be with your family. More time to be productive. More time to be yourself. Yet the more time you have, the more time you waste. As you feel like you have more time, you feel like you have more time to procrastinate. If you spend more time procrastinating you spend less time with your productivity. Your productivity goes down. You don't care. Your the wealthiest person alive if you have a loving family to go home to. Never take what you have for granted because when you're dying on your hospital bed, your family is all that matters.

About the author


Just looking for a fun time. I don't post much serious stuff and many of my friends see me as a comedian

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