They Are Here!! Chopper pictures of society of a different planet captured in Google Earth

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The answer to the most popular question is captured in camera as it appears on Google Earth. It was long since when the question was about the storm on a tea cup. An unidentified flying object or UFO is what really got something!! Did alien riding the UFO came to our world!

There have been huge researches all over the world, spending billions of dollars on this hot debate. Few have spread rumors that they have seen UFO but there has been no proving in their saying. Finally the end to our interest has possibly come true as Google Earth captures pictures of UFO. A guy called Scott Woring has recently uploaded a video on YouTube. In that video he has proved a virtual world of Google. All the maps and other geographical facts are compiled in YouTube. It also captured images of alien. Scott claims that he was sure of this fact for the last 2-3 months. So he was ready with all his devices to capture the images of the UFO.

Finally, he claims that he has managed to see the UFO in the state of Montanna in USA. He claims that while walking over the Montanna Bridge he was able to see the UFO for around 6 minutes. Few localities have also seen the UFO and were amazed to their sight. One of them informs that in the first sight he did not believe to his sight but finally realized that it is a UFO. Then Scott reviewed the Google Earth which confirmed the image of the UFO.

Scott has earlier tried to prove the existence of UFO but could not prove it. However few scientist claims that the image that is reflecting on Google Earth is a kind of Satellite error. This image on Google Earth is a mega hit in the internet world. Most feel that the existence of UFO is a truth. What are your views?

You can also see the image of the UFO on Google Earth. Find out how.

  1. In the search box of Google Earth type Trout Creek, Montana
  2. Zoom over it and you will be able to see a bridge. You can see the UFO just over the bridge.


About the author


Traveling for me is fun.. I love going to other places and explore something and make friends. I feels like I experience a lot when I do this. :)

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