They Put A Box In Their Enclosure. Their Reaction At 1:08? I’m In STITCHES!

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There are few things we know for certain about our cat overlords and their mysterious behaviors (though we assume they’re all geared toward some master plan of world-domination). But one we actually do know? They inexplicably love boxes.

Well, maybe not so inexplicably. It’s thought that cats enjoy boxes because they make them feel safe, thereby alleviating stress. That’s a pretty good rationale, but it doesn’t deter from ensuing hilarity when cats try to fit in boxes that are much smaller than their actual size.

But does this infatuation with cardboard cubes extend to larger, undomesticated cats as well? Researchers at Big Cat Rescue decided to test their theory by placing large boxes in the pens of their big kittens, from lions and tigers to leopards (oh my?). And wouldn’t you know it, those cats get as playful as your average house cat trying to figure out what to do with these paper cubes.

A couple of cats approach the box, climb inside, and sit happily without much thought given to why or from where it came. Other cats, like Arthur and Andre, push and flip it around for a while before deciding to demolish it and crush it entirely. The bottom line, however, is that no matter their size, cats love the heck out of cardboard boxes.

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