This Stinky Little Piece Of Food Is Actually A Blessing For Our Health! Find Out What It is

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The onion is very widespread and the analysis of biological values ​​can be concluded that the onions for its medicinal properties are not lagging behind garlic. The diet used throughout the year: spring onions in spring immature clove in summer and in winter mature bulb. It is wrong to discarding the outer part of the onion as it is less harmful than cocksfoot. As for nutrition, the onion has the most carbohydrates and protein and no significant amount of fat. 

Dried mature heads are substantially full of calorie, but the base of the onions on the biological value is made of minerals and vitamins. Despite the large presence of mineral salts, especially potassium and sulphur and various ologoelements, onion is rich in vitamins B1, B2, C, E, K and P, and there carotene (provitamine A), glycosides, essential oils, plant hormones like insulin, bacteriostatic and bactericidal phytoncides.

In addition, read about the beneficial effects of onions:

  1. It strengthens the heart;
  2. Lowers blood pressure;
  3. Facilitates expectoration;
  4. Regulate blood sugar;
  5. Helps fainting;
  6. Regulates digestion;
  7. Treats inflammation of tonsils, diseases of the lungs and bronchi, relieves pain, heals wounds and swelling, fever;
  8. Prevents blood clotting;
  9. Helps the clogged arteries;
  10. Prevents loss of hair.


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