A child has to pass three types of disciplines during his upbringing. The first and most important discipline for children is called “nature”. This means that one must do something wrong when he is learning something new and this experience of doing something wrong actually give him the experience and strength to do the new work properly next time. The discipline is a practical teacher of the student and the most important one because it gives the student the best result and he has not to wait for the answer and his far better than the reader. Writing and listing experience, when one become practical he then knows the harshness and cruelty of life and if he faces problems he does not become dishearten but tries to overcome the problem with fresh mind and this is actual success.
The next discipline is the discipline of culture and society which means, what one learns from his surroundings. Man being social animal adapts the things he learns from society. The discipline of society is what actually a child want to understand and it is the discipline that he follows afterwards e.g. a child sitting masque usually don’t misbehave but the one sitting in a theater is always moving and looks uneasy but when he looks at the people around, he learns from them the way to sit quietly and this the discipline of culture and society which includes habits, customs etc.
The third discipline for the children for is the discipline superior to inferior and it means I will make you do it or I will do. This discipline is better when used for the child to protect or save him from danger because he being child does not understand the destruction of the incidence but it must be seldom used because this way causes the children to lose their confidence and courage which cause him great problems. If the children are not bound they may learn much better by somehow practical experience.