Tips on how to cure ulcer and hyperacidity

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Here are some useful tips on what to do on how to avoid ulcer and hyperacidity 1. Avoid sour and spicy food. Also junk foods and soft drinks 2. Eat little by little. Do not consume all your regular food consumption at a time. 3. Eat banana to patch the ulcer in the stomach. 4. Drink every 20 minutes a small amount of water. 5. Avoid not to drink and smoke 6. Loosen your belt. This may cause high pressure if you tighten your belt and the food we intake will slow to settle down. 7. Don’t take aspirin because this may cause ulcer. 8. Limit the intake of pain reliever. 9. After eating, don’t seat or lay down directly. Take a walk for you the food you take will properly digested 10. If symptoms persist, take a chance to see a physician to check your condition. To be able to be cured from our illness we must follow these tips and better life. Good luck guys, I hope you are in good condition. 


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I am a simple man.. likes to be online and have friends. im looking for the best way to express myself and thoughts and to earn online. ^_^

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