To see if the phone is arrested by police

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After geptarera without showing any warrant can search phone deals in Canada. Supreme Court of Canada recently ruled.

According to BBC, the court told him after the arrest of a suspected criminal records on what exactly is it you do not need a warrant to test separately.
Court rules in favor and four against the three judges.
In June this year, the opposite position of the United States court, however, was a matter of this kind. The court said the United States, with some exceptions in the case of the search warrant phone will need. However, there were two types of the lower courts in Canada.
On 11 December, the Supreme Court of Canada issued a rule, this is a case of a foreign Kevin. Kevin foreign armed robbery charges against him, the police mobile search. Pheranake arrest warrant for police and vehicle searches are separate. Police found a message on his phone photograph of a weapon that was written 'We Did It.

The High Court rejected the appeal against the foreign sentence, and the mobile will search for the police, it was determined

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