To Watch List!

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I don't know if anyone has seen Wilfred but it is by far one of the best shows on TV, its basically about a guy who starts taking life advice from a dog! thing is he sees the dog as and australian guy in a dog suit but to everyone else he is just a dog.

Its so well done and i believe it was taken from an Australian version of the show which i have not seen yet but is on my to watch list.

Next on the to watch list is the second series of An Idiot Abroad. Carl Pilkinton is a genius, if you haven't herd of the show where have you been, i don't know if the first season has gone out in America but if your in the UK it would be hard to avoid.

The show is pretty much what it states in the title, however Carl is not really and idiot but he is a man which simple tastes. He doesn't enjoy travel but they do say it broadens the mind and so that is what the show is about, making a guy that pretty much is quite happy going no where go to these amazing places and see if it changes his opinions.

The Walking Dead Season 2, I love zombies and this show is ace, if you like zombies this will be your thing if not maybe its not for you!

About the author


Mark Kuczewski has directed and worked on many short films over the past few years many of witch are now making their way round the festival circuit. Ready or Not has picked up awards for ‘Best thriller’ and the ‘No Limits Award’ as well as being screened at Eat our…

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