Topic about Education

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Topic about Education

The demands on society and one individual people have completely changed from the time when mankind lived in harmony with nature and survived as hunters and gatherers who needed no formal education. Today education opens up more opportunities to young people. Makes them better informed, presents them with more choices and gives them more control over their lives someone who has not finished at least high school unfortunately has very limited chances of finding to a good and well paid job.


Cristina: I keep thinking of my girlfriend, and can’t concentrate on my studies!Remind yourself that you don’t have to do everything are once,. Some of the best things in life are worth waiting for everyone needs to learn discipline. There are many distractions at school and at home. the best way to cope with this is to set aside a specific time for work and a specific time for pleasurable activities ,

and to stick to this routine regard your time for pleasure as a reward for have done your school work . It is a good sign that you are worried about your studies! if you are serious about being successful . you will in any case not really enjoy yourself if you know you are preparing yourself for a good life : if you fail your exam now . you might not be able to have the kind of job later that would make it possible for you to have the fun you dream about now.

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