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The Interview


As it is stated that “First impression is the last impression”, therefore when you go for interview of a job then make it sure that you dress will be perfect and clean. Mostly black and dark blue dress is considered good so try to wear such color of dress while going for an interview. And if someone shave then it is necessary for that person to shave before interview. Brush your teeth and comb your hair properly. Better will be that if you use a perfume while go for an interview.

            Collect information about the organization for which you are going for an interview to get a good job.  When you meet with the interviewer then insure the hand-shake and look in his eyes while greeting with the interviewer and keep smile on your face at the same time. After that sit with confidence and don’t shake your hands or feet in the interview.

First of all you should introduce yourself in a bold voice. In every interview you may be ask for introducing yourself so you should prepare for that to make yourself enable to talk for a 2 mints about personality. Shows that you are honest and a hard-worker and tell like you look for a good opportunity. Don’t make wild guess while giving your answers.

            During an interview you may be ask of an inspiring personality. So you should also prepare its answer before interview and off course the reason that why you are inspired from XYZ. You may also be asked for a biggest achievement.

            An interviewer can also ask you that “why should we hire you?” So you should make an authentic answer of this question and show them that you are energetic candidate for a specific job. Make it sure that the interviewers always in search of a person who will honest, humility and a hard-worker.  

            When an interviewer ask you that tell me the biggest lie that harm you the most then also prepare for that make it sure that your answer should be positive.

            Every good person set the goal of his life. In an interview you can also be asked like “Did you ever set goals for yourself”. Every successive person has done some volunteer work in the Institute or out of Institute so therefore Interviewers ask such a question that” Have you don’t anything beyond the call of duty”. So prepare yourself for all these things before going to interview.


About the author


Hello, This is Amar E Yasir and I'm here for you: Blogger, film maker and Translator at Bitlanders. I'm a staunch supporter of Female Edcuaction everywhere specially at non-development area. I will always support the female literacy at the backward areas found anywhere and I'll will move my pen in…

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