One of the precious treasure we all have to protect and preserve is the value of trust and confidence we have from others. It is so dear and precious for all of us. Once it is lost it would be hard for us to regain it.
Just take as an example of a friend who have been working with you for a long time. You have trusted him with the accounts you have in your bank. You trusted him to withdraw some amounts from your bank account and made the direct transaction you have with your clients. One day you asked him to withdraw money from your account for some transaction like payment of monthly bills. But this time, instead of paying the bills, he squandered the money for personal transactions. Bad thing is he went away with your money. He is gone with your money.
Now, if one day that person will come to you and asked forgiveness, will you entrust him again with your important transactions, especially with your money? No way! I think you would agree with me. You may forgive that person but I don't not know if you would still trust him.
My friends, the confidence we have gained from our friends is like an apple of gold. It is so precious. So we have to take good care of it; we have to do everything to preserve it by staying faithful and trustworthy at all times.