Trying the whole Blog Wagon out to See how the Ride is.

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So here I am, it's about 9:30 at night and I'm typing this first blog for you bitlanders! What the heck am i going to Blog about? I have no clue! I guess that's part of how the creative part of the genius in you comes out is to just start typing so that is what I'm doing here.

First Blog = About What?

Way to start huh? What did you think I was going to talk about puppies? Kittens? Isn't there enough of that online? Still have no clue... Well let's just get into what is going on right now and how or why I even found myself to this bitlanders site to begin with.


Recently some thing in my life have caused me to reexamine EVERYTHING! So I have and am on a daily basis. This constant examine though has shown me just how out of control I have allowed myself and my life to get over the years by simply checking out and partying with the flow.

While most of us should know that choices change the course of your life through each and every one. It's up to you when you make them and how you make them and what you do with them after you make them. If you are waiting for some special awe inspiring lunar eclipse with all planets in perfect alignment and view (through our google digital enhancement glasses of course) all the planets in all thier splender, you're quickly going to realize that the only reality to that situation is probably the enhancement glasses from google that will allow you to view the stars and constelations by the postioning of your head. How did they do that... Not by sitting on the couch reading Mad Magazine all day...

They made choices. They realize that EVERY choice matters, some don't always work out, but at least be committed to the one you make and follow through because, truth is, no really knows the future.


If you're like me, you might not have made all of the best choices along your path to your current location, but there's still hope for both of us. I say this because right now, this very instant as you are readinng this, you are making a choice... Should I even be listening this guy? That's the begining of the choice... and no, probably not because i'm just talking about my life, not yours. I can't make your choices, but I can tell you why I make mine.

Re-Invention is why now. After retrospective introspection I realized just how far I have strayed from my goals, morals, dreams, etc.What was nice was that once I realize how far I strayed from them I found that they were still right there... Waiting for me, to find my passion again.

So this Re-Invention that is occurring is more something that probably won't be recognized right off the bat. At least not to the trained eye, because something I've learned is that change does not come from the exterior, but the interior game. You have total control of you. Sure exterior situtation may guide you down a path that leads you to your intorspective state, however the state and teh disonnance that occurs between your thoughts and actions is yours to wrestle in the depth of your own conssciousness. As mine is for me.

Reasons and Plans for this Hopeful Re-Invention

Family. Period, done. Of course I want things for myself, but family is where it's at. When it all comes down the brass tax my family is what is driving me to be more. To Re-Invent to ascend to higher plateus of my own limitless potential (You have the same potential <-- Hence the word) It's not a given though, again there is work. Daily work and we all have our misgivings that don't make it any easier.

Our lives are as difficult as we make them through the POWER of our perception. You can turn situation around with the right perception. The reality of the situation may not change, but at least you're looking at it differently, which might led to a way out of it if that is the goal.

The future is bright for the Kittel family, they just don't know it yet. It's up to me to prove it to them and bring the elsion field of security to thier door instead of having them hold on to my coat tails as I spring from one attempt to another.

One major Re-Invention I am working on is Follow Through, not that I didn't have it before, but it can definalty be tweaked to be more afficeint and available to high priority items. Just because I can finish getting the dishes done does not mean that I can properly Follow Through on say a BLog post. Or to get a hipment out the door orr simply just follow through with simple tasks that I konw are so important to health of our business and family.

So there is a peek into at least one thing that I am working at the moment. Follow Through and to prove it... This is the End of the Post.


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