TSU: Getting started

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Tsu Getting Started Tips

It all seems overwhelming when you don't go to jail looking for friends.
Your first steps are:

1. Finish your profile -your picture -a cover photo -other data you wish t share

2. Go to Settings -invitations -get your short code to email or invite friends to
join you on Tsu

3 Know your limits -5000 friends -1000 following -unknown how many followers
seek 50 then 1000 ten 1500 etc views of your posts -look to provide good
content so people will like -comment & share your posts
Only 50 friend requests can be pending

4. Use me @Khokon1972 or Md Nur Islam as examples to find
people to request as friends and to follow

5. Your plan -find 100 to 200 quality friends who have lots of friends & followers

6. Next send friend requests to 50 of those you are following

7 Give each request 24hrs to respond -no response -cancel request & request
someone else 

8 Keep following anyone you request so you can go to your Following list to
locate your requests -don't tell me you will remember 50 people !!!

9 Once someone becomes a friend then stop following them find a new person
to add to your following list -you will get to the 1000 limit soon so you need to
keep working that list -try not to follow people who will never do anything -like
those who have no picture -they usually have 1 friend and 2 followers

10 Start posting to your timeline or the general Feed timeline

11 Once yu are following & ave followers start liking -commenting & sharing posts

This list should keep you busy for the first 2 or 3 days till you get your paaterns
establised. Private Message me with questions. Discover other tips -you have
your own post ! Have fun with your Tsu experience !

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