Turn Your Dreams Into Goals

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by @artbytes for bitlanders

In my post Can You Imagine Your Life Twenty Years From Now?, I asked you to write down your dreams. Specifically, how you want to live your life twenty years from now. Those are your dreams. This time, we will turn your dreams into goals. This is, of course, the next step in order to turn your dream into reality.

Let me warm up this post with one of my favorite inspirational speech by the award-winning actor Denzel Washington.

Denzel Washington delivering his commencement speech at Dillard University

Video Credit: Above Inspiration via YouTube


Remember, dreams without goals are just dreams and they ultimately fuel disappointment.

- Denzel Washington




Turn Your Dreams Into Goal

Image Credit Tumisu via Pixabay

Read and Visualize Your Dreams

At this point, I hope you have written in details your dreams. An alternative is to use pictures that represent those dreams.

It's not enough just to say that you dream to have a car one day. Imagine the brand, the make or model, the color the feature, etc… Include as many details as you want for each dream.

If you have done so, it is time to read your dreams again. In fact it is beneficial to read your dreams everyday. Visualize your dreams. 

by: @artbytes via bitlanders

Consider the Cost

Pursuing your dreams will cost you two things, time and money. In setting your goals, know how much each of your dream will cost you.


I mentioned time first, because some people sadly focus too much on earning money in order to achieve their dreams, but lost valuable time that could have been given to their family. Worse, they spent too much time in trying to gain wealth and neglecting their health.

How much time are you going to spend exercising each day? 

Image Credit: Inspiration Boost via Pinterest

How much quality time will you devote to your family?

Write down your answer if needed. Keep it in your mind. Spend that much time for your family and health every day. When you start working to achieve your dreams soon, don't STEAL from these times.

Achieving your dreams will mean nothing if you cannot live long and healthy enough to enjoy them yourself and with your loved ones.

Image Credit: Rudy Anderson via Pixabay

How Much Does it Cost?

Now, let's take a look at your material dreams and let us put up a price for each. They don't have to exact. Just a close estimate of the cost. But this means you need to be very specific on the brand and make of your car. The size and features of your house.

  • How much does your dream car cost today?
  • How much do a house and lot costs?
  • How much is a Canon 70D with basic kit?
  • How much does a Lenovo 2-in-1 with i-7 processor cost?

To help you determine the cost of a house and lot in your area, check out your local Real Estate developer or broker. Look for a model house that closely resembles your dream house and asks much it costs if you buy from them. It could even be your dream house.

Here's an example of my list

  • Honda CRV 2018: PHP 1.2 M
  • Two-story house with a balcony facing west with a clear view of the runway- PHP 2 M. (I already have the lot with a house that needs renovation, and I based my dream from I have).
  • Canon 70D basic kit: PHP 50,000.00
  • Lenovo 2-in-1 i-7: PHP 35,000.00

Set a Time Frame

Image Credit: rawpixel via Pixabay

Set a target date or time frame for each goal. Which should one be achieved first? Perhaps it is wonderful to imagine that you are already living in your dream house already and driving your dream car. However, these two would require additional expenses after acquiring them.

  • Maintenance
  • Annual Real Estate taxes
  • Gas
  • Tires
  • Monthly amortization

The question is, how do you prioritize which dream or goal should come first? In my post My Goals For 2018, I have set a date for each goal. (Although, I admit I am way behind in all of them).

My idea is (Thanks to the teachings of Bo Sanchez ), prioritize the ones that could help you earn more.

To show you an example, here is my time frame:

  • Lenovo 2-in-1 i-7 : PHP 35,000.00 : June 26, 2018
  • Canon 70D basic kit: PHP 50,000.00: October, 2018
  • Honda CRV 2018: PHP 1.2 M: December 2018
  • House Renovation: April 9, 2020

Why did put the laptop and camera on top of my list?

Image Credit: Notebook Check

Writing and doing graphic designs is my major source of living. I also teach part-time on a secondary school. Having a quality equipment could help me do more in less time. A laptop could help me achieve another dream (that I have not listed here). That is to be a best-selling, self-publishing author.

But why a 2-in-1? I know it's more expensive. But I have to be mobile. I want to work wherever I am comfortable. Sometimes it is more comfortable to work on a tablet than on a laptop. 

The camera. I love photography. I have earned from my photos before. With a better camera, I could earn more. However, I don't need a more expensive model packed with features that I might not be able to use as a hobbyist.

Go for goals that could help you achieve your other goals first.

I moved my target date of having the CRV to 2019. Unless I could finish my first e-book this month and start earning from it by the first week of June (this is another goal). I just want my deadline a little bit closer to reality.

House renovation- I already have my own property that I have inherited from my parents (God bless their souls), I just need to renovate it to have that sunset view and see the plane land and take-off the runway.

Dream Income

Image Credit: pasja1000 via pixabay

To achieve these dreams, you need to set your dream income. Whether you are a full-time employee or a freelancer like me, set your dream income. How  much do you need to earn to achieve your dreams?

My dream income:

$1,000.00 a day!

There is no typographical error there. That's what I dream for, that's my goal. I wanted to start earning that much anytime between today and the end of the year!

Is it possible?

As Napoleon Hill said in his book "Think and Grow Rich":

Whatever THE MIND OF MAN can CONCEIVE and BELIEVE it can ACHIEVE! - Napoleon Hill

Image credit: @artbytes via bitlanders

How can I start earning $1,000.00 a day?

How can I start earning $1,000.00 a day? Perhaps, the better question is, 'How can you achieve your goals?'. I will answer these questions on my future posts. 

What is important for now is, you are now one step closer to turning your dreams into reality

 For now, let me leave you off with an inspirational video.


Video Credit: Mulligan Brothers via YouTube


May your dreams come true!

Next: Start From Where You Are


Thanks for reading.


John Reynold Loberiza (a.k.a @artbytes) is a freelance graphic artist, web developer, and blogger. He is also a  licensed Financial Advisor under Insular Life. 

The content of this blog post is the author's original work. Proper credit is always given to the respective sources of information and images. Please feel free to check out my other blog posts: http://www.bitlanders.com/Artbytes/blog_post

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About the author


I'm a self trained graphic artist web designer/developer, IT Consultant a teacher and a father of two..
Visit my site: http://Jrlcentral.xyz
Twitter: @jrlcentral
I'm also in Beer Money Forum https://www.beermoneyforum.com/?inv=71478

and Virily. Com

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